
Interested in joining Equip Racing?

Please fill out the following form in its entirety. Equip Racing is currently seeking Cat 1/2 racers but are open to motivated riders of all levels. If you have any questions, please contact us at

Applications close October 15, 2024
Please enter N/A if you do not have an Instagram account
Equip Racing prides ourselves on comradery and is comprised of dedicated bike racers who are friends, parents, full-time employees, and much more. We want to know who you are on and off the bike.
Tell us about your racing background, team racing and tactics experience, previous teams, etc.
Please include your target A races, as applicable
Equip Racing is a bike racing team and not a cycling club. All members are expected to be actively racing, especially at team races. Please note that this isn’t a comprehensive list and dates are estimated based on previous race dates.
Our primary team ride is the Saturday Buna ride but we meet to train multiple times per week around the DMV
You can read about the Equip Racing mission at the following link:
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